Brand New Special Report for Guys Over 40…

7 Rapid Ways to Lose Body-Fat and Build Muscle for Men Over 40*”

*Even If You’re Short On Time and Motivation

From the desk of Elliot Newman
London, England
Dear friend,

If you’d like to lose body-fat and build muscle - and get into much better shape (regardless of your age) - then this is the most important letter you read today.

I’ll show you why in a minute.

But first… a Quick Disclaimer:

Please understand that it’s totally possible to be in great shape, even once you’re 40 plus…

It’s totally possible to have plenty of muscle…

To be so strong that you turn heads in the gym…

And to possess a level of athleticism that puts guys half your age to shame.

However, I cannot guarantee any of this for you. You see...

You still have to go to the GYM. 

You still have to put the WORK in. 

And you still have to LIFT the weights!


You still have to eat right, keep yourself hydrated, make sure you rest and recover and so on...

I can’t do that bit for you.

What I can do is to start off by inviting you to download a complimentary copy of my Special Report:

7 Golden Rules to Lose Body-Fat and Build Muscle, for Men Over 40.

Once you have the Special Report, if you read it, then take action and actually use the 7 Golden Rules within it, THAT’s when you’ll make progress and get results. (even if you’re currently lacking the motivation to train, or the time to do it).

Yet even then, results will vary from person to person. Your results will vary based on your genetics, your training history, your previous injuries, how consistently you workout, and so on.

Listen. I haven't been blessed the best genetics in the world…

I was a naturally skinny/fat kid (with no muscle, very little strength, and a fat belly), I once came LAST in the cross country at school, my calves really won’t grow no matter what I do, and the first time I ever did the Bench Press I went for a set of 8 and only managed 5 reps (with the empty freakin’ bar).

And yet, I’ve now been training for over 20 years now and I’ve become really quite strong and athletic - I can deadlift over 500lbs, jump onto a 47.5” box, do Farmer’s Walks with 90kg in each hand, and I’m lean year round (without ever counting calories or doing traditional ‘cardio’). All at a bodyweight of just 170lbs.

Bottom line?


You can get lean, build muscle, get stronger, and become a lot more athletic - even past the age of 40…

You just have to do 2 simple things:

First, read my Special Report

Second, take consistent Action in the gym (and the kitchen)...

Exactly What You’re Getting…

This report is dramatically different from anything else you’ve ever read because it’s not a cookie-cutter program you can follow for 4, 8 or 12 weeks…

It’s not a guide to dropping 3 inches from your waistline in 30 days…

Or making your arms grow 2 inches bigger in 6 weeks…

Though it certainly could help you on your way to achieve those goals!

What you’re actually getting are 7 Golden Rules - 7 Training Principles if you will - that I’ve discovered are absolutely key to achieving the following:
  •  Getting lean and staying lean, year round...
  • ​Gaining muscle and strength...
  • Becoming faster and more athletic...
  • Improving your overall health, energy and vitality...
And the best part?

It’s easy to read.

Less than 40 pages. You can devour this life-changing book less than an hour

Then you can start using the 7 Golden Rules for Losing Body-Fat and Gaining Muscle the very next time you train.

Oh and by the way - I can say with 100% certainty that you will not find these 7 Golden Rules, explained as simply and concisely for you as I have in the report, anywhere else. Not a chance.

Here’s Just a Taste of Some of What You’ll Discover…

  • The Golden Rule for Losing Body-Fat and keeping it off in the long-run (ignore this rule at your peril)... 
  • Why most men today are struggling to sleep optimally - how this negatively affects your fat loss and muscle building efforts (and exactly how to fix the problem in 7 simple steps)... page 15 
  • 4 tried-and-tested Nutritional Principles that make it literally impossible to be overweight - in the long-run (use these 4 principles with patience and you WILL eat yourself into much much better shape!)... page 18
  • ​How to train in the gym when fat loss is the goal (it’s not what you think)... I’ll show you a full week of optimal training - including WHEN to train, WHAT exercises to do, HOW many sets and reps and so on… 
  • “Why w______ is an exercise you should do daily - for fat loss, cardiovascular health, back health, recovery, mental wellbeing and more
  • Why HIIT, Met-Con, “Beast Sessions” and other common workouts are a disaster (hint: they make you small and weak - full details in the report)... page 17
  • The secret to maintaining as much muscle and strength as possible when you are cutting body-fat (get this WRONG and you’ll end up weak, skinny and low on energy).... page 14
  • ​The magic of walking 10,000 steps a day (plus… how to do it, even if you’re short on time or motivation)... page 22
  • The best diet for fat loss, muscle gain, and generally being a badass once you’re 40 plus (this is a real eye-opener and it’s nothing to do with the popular diets right now, such as: Paleo, Keto, Carnivore, Vegan etc) - prepare to ENJOY your food, and get lean!... page 18
  • ​Why you should aim to get 8 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep each night, and HOW to do it in 7 simple steps (you won’t believe how good you feel when you do this - in terms of energy, mental clarity, mood and more)... page 20
  • ​Precisely how much WATER you should drink daily - for: fat loss, health and performance (and which common, everyday drinks you should avoid, or at least cut back on)... page 22
  • ​Why “dieting” doesn’t work - and what to do instead (so that you lose body-fat easily, and then keep it off FOR GOOD… without counting calories, eating “Rabbit Food” or doing mind-numbing Cardio)

The 7 Golden Rules Special Report Really is a “Game Changer”...

Listen. I want you to get in great shape, and then maintain that great shape for the rest of your life...

I don’t believe that being 40 plus should mean that you lose all your muscle and strength, put on unwanted body-fat and become riddled with pain…

That’s no way to live!

If you want to workout - that’s great.

But, let’s face it…

Today there is more information available on training than ever before - but unfortunately, that information is causing more CONFUSION than ever before…

I mean, who do you listen to?

Many of the big YouTubers and Instagram influencers claim to be CLEAN, but they’re using STEROIDS (which changes everything - and means you cannot trust them).

The bodybuilding magazines have been churning out the same tired BS for decades. And, why should you train or eat like a professional bodybuilder anyway? Why should you train or eat like someone who is incredibly genetically gifted (and almost certainly using PEDs?). They have advantages (both God given, and from the point of a needle) that you do not.

Then you have the more mainstream articles and websites that focus on training. But, you know the type of incomplete stuff they publish:

“Ripped Abs in just 14 Days”

“Add an inch on you arms in 24 hours”

“Increase 100lbs on your Bench Press in 3 weeks”

Sure, it sells magazine subscriptions. But, it’s all NONSENSE. In fact, it’s all LIES (lies that average guys fall for because they want looking like a “Greek God”... and they want it to be quick and easy).

Well, let me tell ya…

Training and eating well isn’t EASY.

It’s HARD.

If it was easy - everyone would be in shape!

Here’s the good news though…

In my 7 Golden Rules Special Report you’re going to discover 7 Golden Rules that are going to make your training and nutrition:
  • As enjoyable as possible
  • As safe as possible
  • As efficient as possible (meaning: you’ll lose body-fat as quickly and easily as possible… and also gain muscle as quickly and easily as possible)
And “YES” - You Really Are Getting it for FREE - There is No Catch…
Of course, I could easily charge 20 bucks, or even $40 for the 7 Golden Rules report…

And, it’d be worth every penny.

After all, what price can you put on being in great shape, training smart, eating right and making better gains at 40+ than you may have ever made in your entire life?

But, I am giving you it for FREE. It’s complimentary. It’s ‘on the house.’

Here’s why…

About 12 years ago I had $300 in my bank account and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I was dead-broke and flat out of ideas (it was not a good position to be in when you’re nearly 30).

However, through a series of fortuitous events, I met a guy who became my mentor, and he taught me how to build a business…

Fast forward to today and I have several successful businesses, and, thankfully, I’m no longer broke.

So that’s the first point - I don’t need to charge you. I’m not desperate for the money (or even in need of it).

However, the bigger picture is this:

Being lean, and training for muscle and strength has always been a HUGE passion of mine (I’ve been doing it since I was 16, for well over 20 years, I’ve competed in strength sports and so on).

So, the 7 Golden Rules report is a LABOR OF LOVE for me.

You see, over the years I’ve had the good fortune to train and work with some really great people - including Andy Bolton (one of the best powerlifters and strength athletes of all time).

So the 7 Golden Rules report is really my way of “paying it forwards”...

Sharing what I’ve learned…

And helping other guys to improve their physique and athletic performance. I’m hoping YOU will be one of those “other guys.”

Of course, in the future I may sell a book, or some programs, and if you like the 7 Golden Rules report - perhaps you’ll consider investing in one of those…

Either way, I hope you enjoy the report and gain MASSIVE value from it...

How to Take Advantage…

Getting your hands on a complimentary copy of the 7 Golden Rules report is EASY…

Simply enter your Best Email Address below…

Click the “DOWNLOAD NOW” button…

And, thanks to the wonders of modern technology - it should be in your Email Inbox within 30 seconds :)
Stay Strong,

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